Quality Policy

Quality Policy

NetLS Quality Policy

We are dedicated to providing high-quality web development and serviceable IT solutions. We aim to exceed client expectations by employing the right people, processes, methodologies, and productivity enhancement tools.

We strictly adhere to processes by ISO 9001:2015 standards.

The leadership and staff of NetLS are committed to delivering products and services that meet specifications and expectations entirely.

  • We regularly review our projects, source code, testing quality, and code quality.
  • Adhere meticulously to coding standards and strictly follow modern code quality standards using static analysis tools.
  • NetLS seeks regular communication with the client to discuss every step and promptly address any potential issues.
  • We document every step throughout the software development life cycle.
  • We make efforts for continuous improvement in the quality of our software and customer satisfaction.
  • Ensure timely project completion by adhering to well-defined development methodologies, processes, and performance indicators.
  • Provide services that meet the needs and requirements of clients.

With this Policy, the leadership of NetLS undertakes the following commitments:

  • Provide clients with confidence that we have the technical and human capabilities to consistently and systematically deliver the level of quality necessary to meet their needs and expectations.
  • Meet or exceed customer satisfaction and expectations.
  • Encourage motivation and participation of all Company employees by stimulating initiative, teamwork, professional training, and high technical and human competence.
  • Ensure updates and management of standards by rules and legislation applicable to the information technology industry.
  • Ensure the functioning of a Quality Management System based on the ISO 9001:2015 standard, ensuring compliance with quality objectives for continuous improvement.
  • Be committed to continuous improvement.