About Us

About Us

Ukrainian software development company located in Ivano-Frankivsk, founded in 2007

Our mission is to create tools that would help business and it’s clients to establish a long trusted relationship



Honesty We believe that problems have to be talked about. Hiding problems does not solve them. We support the idea that knowing about potential problems in advance will allow avoiding them or take appropriate precautions. The most important thing is to not hide anything and to be honest.
Ability to Listen and understand The ability to put yourself in someone else's place allows you to better understand what your colleagues expect from you, as well as to understand what the client and end user needs.
Open mindedness We are open to new ideas and suggestions: from personal and not-work related ones to ideas of resolving current issues or customer's pain.
Resolving the essence of a problem, not its consequences Take a step back and look at the problem more globally. It is necessary to look for a solution of the root of the problem, and not its consequences.
Desire to grow Growth is a measure of success. In order to become successful, you need to grow both personally and professionally.
Being a team player Being a team player is more than just attending daily meetings. You need to help to overcome obstacles, lend a shoulder to colleagues and sometimes put the goals of the team, company or project above your own.
Responsibility If we are doing something we always complete our work. It is the responsibility of each and everyone of us to do what was promised.
Politeness and tolerance When mutual understanding cannot be achieved, politeness and tolerance comes to the rescue. You shouldn't start burning bridges if you can't get along with someone. This also means that we are happy to accept everyone in our team, regardless of their gender, sexual or religious preferences.
Sense of humor No way without it. Memes and jokes are a common part of our communication :)